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Design, Printing, Distribution one-stop leaflet service !

郵寄分類 : 商業區、工業區、住宅區、屋苑分類、地區分類、行業分類、富裕成熟群組、高薪專業群組、公務員家庭、中產家庭、勞工家庭、居屋社群、公屋社群、年老社群

Distribution Groups : Commerical area, Residential Area, Industrial Area, Private House, District Area, Speciality Industry, Prvileged Group, Professionals, Civil Servant, Middle-class, Blue Collars, Subsideised Homes, Public House, Aging Generations

A6 / 310gsm Card / 4C+4C


2,000pcs ........................  $5,500

5,000pcs ........................  $10,000

10,000pcs ......................  $18,000
20,000pcs ......................  $34,000

A5 / 310gsm Card / 4C+4C


2,000pcs ........................  $6,000

5,000pcs ........................  $10,500

10,000pcs ......................  $18,500
20,000pcs ......................  $35,000

A4 / 128gsm Paper / 4C+4C


2,000pcs ........................  $6,500

5,000pcs ........................  $11,000

10,000pcs ......................  $19,000
20,000pcs ......................  $35,500

A3 / 128gsm Paper / 4C+4C


2,000pcs ........................  $7,500

5,000pcs ........................  $12,500

10,000pcs ......................  $21,000
20,000pcs ......................  $38,500

Product / 產品

香港有超過 2 百萬個居住單位及 70 萬個工商單位,我們可將你的產品或服務直接推廣至你們目標客戶,以 Diamond 鑽石水為例子,經我們處理的傳單已超過 3 百萬張,規模足夠覆蓋全港的家庭及工商客戶。

There are over 2 million residential units and 0.7 million office units in Hong Kong. We can promote your product to the target directly and easily. "Diamond" is the most popular water filtering system in Hong Kong, we had sent out over 3 million of leaflet for her. Such promotion is totally cover all residential units and office units in Hong Kong.

Property / 地產


The information of real estate market is updated everyday, you can send the latest transaction records and property information to your potential client by a simple leaflet.

Restaurant / 食肆


No matter it is a small fast-food store, takeaway food shops or restaurant, the local neighborhood are your main customers. Rather than waiting for the arrival of the customers, it is better to take the initiative and send your menus to each neighborhood directly.

Retail & Service / 零售及服務

: 傢俬電器、百貨開倉、補習教育、美容美髮、食材到會、家居維修

工商 : 辦公室文具、電腦維修、會計、稅務、律師、運輸、速遞服務

Residential : Household Products / Accessories / Education / Hair & Beauty / Catering / Household Maintenance

Office : Office Accessories & Equipment / Computing / Accounting / Finance / Legal / Transportation / Courier

All right reserved by N-Power Development Int'l Ltd.

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