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Q & A 注意

Upload / 來稿

1. 檔案大小少於 10MB,請電郵至

2. 檔案大小達 10MB 或以上,請上存至 ( 登入名稱 : leaflet100 / 密碼 : 001leaflet )

1. File size lower then 10MB, please e-mail to

2. File size at 10MB or more, please upload to ( login : leaflet100 / password : 001leaflet )


Payment / 付款

1. 支票 ( 抬頭 : 新動力發展國際有限公司 )

2. 入數或轉脹​ ( 銀行 : 中國銀行(香港) / 戶口號碼 : 012-802-00074462 / 戶口名稱 : 新動力發展國際有限公司 / N-Power Development International Ltd ) ,請客户於入數後保留銀行入數記錄並連同 invoice 編號 WhatsApp 至91880901。

1. All payment should be made payable to "N-Power Development International Ltd "

2. For direct cash bank-in or bank transfer ( Bank : BOC (Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd / Account number : 012-802-00074462 / Account name : N-Power Development International Limited ). Please send the payment slip with the invoice number to us by WhatsApp to 91880901.


Delivery / 送貨

1. 一般送貨時間為星期一至六 ( 公眾假期除外 ),下午一時至下午七時。客戶如需指定時間收貨,則需另外報價。

2. 如因客戶問題,貨品到達送貨地點後無人收貨,所有重新安排送貨及一切額外費用將由客戶承擔。

3. 當八號烈風訊號懸掛或黑色暴雨警告生效時,送貨時間將會延遲或取消。

4. 如貨品需排停車場、排倉、進入貨物裝卸區、機埸空運、碼頭等,運輸費用一律另外報價。

5. 如貨品需搬運上落樓梯 ( 不包括扶手電梯 ) 或另需人手搬運等,運輸費用一律另外報價。

6. 如因天氣、交通問題或意外導致延遲或取消送貨,令客戶若在該次交易中引致其他任何直接或間接的損失或責任,本公司恕不負責。

1. Delivery hour : Mon to Sat  1:00pm - 7:00pm ( Holiday is not included ) ( Additional fee will be charged for any specified time delivery.)

2. When goods are send upon customer instructions and remains undelivered due to customer own issues, all re-delivery and related costs are to be borne by the customer.

3. When Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning has been hoisted, delivery would be delayed or cancelled.

4. Additional fee needed to be quoted separately if queue up for delivery on car-park, warehouse, entering cargo handling area, airport handling area, pier would be needed.

5. Additional fee needed to be quoted separately if there is no elevator or lift at the delivery place ( Escalator is not included ) or extra manpower needed.

6. Due to weather, traffic problem or accident, please note that delivery time would not be specified or cancelled. are not liable for any other losses caused by using our services.


Artwork / 輸出稿件

1. 來稿只接受以下檔案格式 : AI / InDesign / Photoshop / psd / eps / jpg / tiff / pdf

2. 檔案名稱請以英文或數字命名,以免檔案取讀錯誤。

3. 檔案色彩模式需設定為四原色 CMYK。

4. 不應使用任何 ICC profile 或色彩描述檔。

5. 所有製作顏色不要低於10%,以免印刷內容不清楚。

6. 所有文字需建立外框 (outline) 或轉成曲線 (curve) ,以免文字內容違失或變形。

7. 不應使用作業系統提供之文字 ( 如 : 細明體 新細明體 / 標楷體 ) ,以免出現穿體字 ( 筆劃交錯處有白點 )。

8. 文字設定應為 7pt 或以上,否則有機會文字太細而無法閱讀。

9. 所有檔案解析度最少訂為 300dpi。

10. 檔案尺寸亦需設定為 1 比 1 印刷品之真實呎吋。

11. 檔案尺寸應額外預留 5mm 作出血位。

12. 檔案文字及圖案編排請距離裁切線 5mm ,以免內容被裁走。

13. 框線設定最少為 0.25pt 或 0.076mm 以上,以免框線太幼無法清楚顯現。

14. 所有影像檔應儲存為嵌入圖檔,以免內容違失。

15. 所有出血線、裁切線及其他加工內容 ( 如 : 燙印 / 燙UV / 擊凹凸 / 刀模線 ) ,請一律用 K100 另外表達。

1. Acceptable format of file : AI / InDesign / Photoshop / psd / eps / jpg / tiff / pdf

2. All file name should be named in English or number to avoid any reading error.

3. Color mode should be in CMYK.

4. Do not apply any ICC profile or color management on the artwork.

5. Tints color should not be lower than 10% to avoid any unclear object.

6. All texts should be outlined or curved to avoid any fonts missing or change.

7. Fonts should not be in "mingliu", "Pmingliu" or "Times New Roman" to prevent from "hollowed font" when outlining.

8. Text size should be 7pt or above to avoid hard reading.

9. At least 300 dpi on resolution required.

10. File size should be 1:1 scale to the printed matter.

11. There should be a 5 mm bleeding area around your artwork.

12. All text or graphic should be keep 5 mm distance with the trimming line to avoid object missing.

13. Frame thickness should be over 0.25pt or 0.076mm to avoid any unclear frame.

14. All image should be embedded with the artwork to avoid image missing.

15. All bleeding line, clipped area or any special effects should be shown in K100.


Terms & Conditions / 服務及免責條款

1. 客戶在取貨時,請馬上驗算貨品數量及品質,貨物一經收取後,本公司恕不負責。

2. 客戶應在確認訂單後 30 天內取貨或收貨,本公司將不予保存客戶的貨物,而有關訂金及款項將不予發還,本公司亦會向貴客追收相關貨款。

3. 所有印刷品以本公司之色彩管理標準為準,請勿以螢幕或打印紙稿件作準。客戶來稿均以四色 ( CMYK ) 印刷,如來稿為專色或 RGB 色彩,稿件將會自動轉為四色而不另行通知,當中所引致之任何色差,當以本公司印刷顏色為基準。所有印刷品本身都存在某程度上之色差,在合理的色差情況下 ( 一般為 10% 以內 ),客戶如對色差有任何爭議,本公司恕不負責。 ( 專色專版印刷貨品除外 )

4. 客戶來稿之檔案如跟客戶之生產要求有所出入,當中可能包括檔案內之呎吋大小不一致 / 出血位不足 / 顏色 / 裁切呎吋 / 圖像解像度不足 / 欠缺字款 / 色差等,以至最終製成品跟客戶之要求有所誤差,本公司恕不負責。

5. 若稿件上印有 QR code 或 Barcode 條碼,本公司不能保證條碼內的資料能讀取正常。

6. 客戶提交之電腦檔案將於客戶取貨後刪除,本公司不會為電腦檔案作任何保存。

7. 就客戶使用本公司的服務,客戶保證印刷品不包含任何未經版權持有人授權的文字、圖像、設計、商標、貨幣及鈔票或任何受版權保護的作品;客戶保證印刷品不會 侵犯任何第三方的任何權利,包括版權、商標、宣傳、私隠,不會誹謗或詆毀任何第三方,以及已獲得所有必需的授權或權限將第三方的材料加入貴客的作品;客戶 保證已獲得所有必需的權限、權利和授權下訂單,並授權本公司印製貴客的作品;如有需要本公司將要求客戶出示有關之權限授權書以作核實。

8. 若客戶所提供之印刷品內容涉及或可能涉及誹謗、侵犯私隱、偽冒、抄襲、複製、侵犯知識產權、不雅、淫褻、侵犯任何第三者權利、貨幣及鈔票或違反香港現行 法律之印刷內容等,本公司將保留拒絕印刷之權利,而有關訂金及款項將不予發還。在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,本公司亦不會就印刷品之內容向使用者或任何第三者承擔任何責任。

9. 客戶承諾,若任何人、集團或機構就 (i)客戶違反上述服務條款;或 (ii)任何客戶交由本公司印製的產品中的文字、照片、圖像、圖形或其他材料等內容涉及或可能涉 及誹謗、侵犯私隱、偽冒、抄襲、複製、侵犯知識產權、不雅、淫褻、侵犯任何第三者權利、貨幣及鈔票或違反香港現行法律的情況,而提出任何形式的訴訟、索 賠、通知或採取的任何行動,將彌償本公司及有關人仕所遭受的任何損失,包括但不限於相關的索賠、損失、成本和合理之律師費用。

10. 如貨品數量及品質有嚴重出錯而需重新印製時,客戶需於收貨後之 3 日內提出,客戶需保持退回物品的完整性,如數量、包裝、或附件皆須與落單內容一致,否則本公司恕不負責。本公司只會根據先前落單的內容及檔案重新印製貨品予客戶。客戶需要自行責任及安排所有換貨之運送費用,客戶若在該次交易中導致其他任何直接或間接的損失或責任,本公司恕不負責。

11. 如貨品數量及品質有嚴重出錯而需退款時,客戶需於收貨後之 3 日內提出,客戶需保持退回物品的完整性,如數量、包裝、或附件皆須與落單內容一致,否則恕不予以退貨。 客戶需要自行責任及安排所有退回貨物之運送費用。一般退款的行政時間需時 14 個工作天,並只會以支票退回相關客戶。退款款項不會超過該次單一交易的貨款,客戶若在該次交易中導致其他任何直接或間接的損失或責任,本公司恕不負責。

12. 本公司擁有任何是否承印或生產之最終決定權。

13. 本網站的所有內容只作參考之用,一切以本公司發出的報價單為準。

1. Customers are required to check carefully for the quantity and quality of goods received, return will not be accepted after customers' acceptance of goods.

2. withholds the right to destroy any finished goods which are not picked up within 30 days after completion of printing; would not be responsible for any loss that caused; In such circumstances, any deposit nor pre-payment will be refunded, and withholds the rights to chase back the remaining amount or value of the goods.

3. Color Standard of all printed materials should refer to our standard in color management; please do not refer to the standard on any monitor, screen or printed manuscript. Artwork MUST be in CMYK. All RGBs or Spot colors would be converted into CMYK for printing, should there be any variance induced, color standard of all printed materials should also refer to our standard in color management as well. All printing of color do exist color variance to certain extent. Under reasonable color variance (under10%), will not be responsible for any color shift dispute due to color conversion.

4. is not responsible for any customer submitted file that does not match with customer confirmed requirements, which may include the file inconsistency with size / bleeding deficit / color / cutting size / image resolution inadequate / lacking of fonts / color variance, and etc., and eventually lead to finished customer requirements with errors.

5. Should there be any QR code or Barcode printed on the manuscript, cannot guarantee that the code can be read normally.

6. would delete the electronic files of customers after customers' acceptance of goods.

7. Customers guarantee that the printing content does not include any printed matter without authorization of the copyright holder text, images, designs, trademarks, currency and bank note or any of the copyrighted work; customers to ensure prints will not infringe any third party rights, including copyright,  trademark, publicity, privacy and will not libel or defame any third party, and has obtained all necessary authorizations or permissions for third-party material into works of customers; customers  guarantee that they have obtained all necessary permissions, rights and authorization of orders, and to authorize the printing of customers work; will request the customer to submit or  produce relevant authority authorization for verification if necessary.

8. If customer provided any printed contents which may involve defamation, invasion of privacy, counterfeit, copy, reproduce, intellectual property infringement, indecent, obscene, infringe any third party rights, currency and bank note or breach of our laws, and other printed matter, reserves the rights to refuse in printing and any deposit nor pre-payment will be refunded.  With the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, also will not be responsible or liable for the contents user nor any third party.

9. Customer undertakes that if any person, group or institution for (i) breach of the terms of service; or (ii) any customers products in printed text, photos, images,  graphics, or other materials covering or may be involved defamation, invasion of privacy, counterfeit, copy, reproduce, intellectual property infringement, indecent,  obscene, infringe any third party rights, currency and bank note or violate our laws, the situation, and to make any form of litigation, claims, notification or take any action that will indemnify. and relevant people or company for any losses suffered, including but not limited to the relevant claims, losses,  costs and reasonable attorneys' fees.

10. In case of reprint when there are serious printing problem, should customer wish to return any flawed product, all requests must be made ​​within three days after customers' acceptance of goods. And all returned goods must be in good conditions & description like quantity / packaging / accessories must be consistent with the invoice. Otherwise, no reprint shall be made nor there will be any written off. Customers are required to arrange all returns delivery. are not liable for any other losses caused by using our services.

11. In case of product refund when there are serious printing problem, should customer wish to return any flawed product, all requests must be made ​​within three days after customers' acceptance of goods. And all returned goods must be in good conditions & description like quantity / packaging / accessories must be consistent with the invoice. Otherwise, no refund shall be made nor there will be any written off. Customers are required to arrange all returns delivery. Refund will be paid by cheque payment after 14 days of working days. For any order claim, will only refund the relevant amount. are not liable for any other losses caused by using our services.

12. withholds the rights to make final decision on producing or printing of any files or materials from customer.

13. All contents of this web-site is for reference only. All prices and terms should be refer to our quotation.

All right reserved by N-Power Development Int'l Ltd.

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